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Polish Law


Acts and other secondary legislations regarding exploration and extraction of shale gas.

Polish Law

  1. Act of 9 June 2011. Geological and mining law, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 163, item 981,,

    Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of 10 January 2012 regarding the tender for the establishment of mining, Journal of Laws 2012, item 101

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 28 December 2011 regarding underground waste storage, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 298, item 1771

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 23 December 2011 regarding hydrological and geological-engineering documentation, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 291, item 1714,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 22 December 2011 regarding geological documentation of mineral storage, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 291, item 1712,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 20 December 2011 regarding access to geological information with remuneration, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 292, item 1724,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 20 December 2011 regarding detailed requirements concerning geological work projects, including work which requires concessions, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 288, item 1696,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 16 December 2011 qualifications in geology, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 275, item 1629. Journal of Laws 2011 No. 175, item 1629

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2011 regarding agricultural land registration, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 286, item 1685,     Act of 9 June 2011. Geological and mining law, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 163, item 981,

    Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of 10 January 2012 regarding the tender for the establishment of mining, Journal of Laws 2012, item 101)

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 28 December 2011 regarding underground waste storage, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 298, item 1771,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 23 December 2011 regarding hydrological and geological-engineering documentation, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 291, item 1714,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 22 December 2011 regarding geological documentation of mineral storage, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 291, item 1712,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 20 December 2011 regarding access to geological information with remuneration, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 292, item 1724,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 20 December 2011 regarding detailed requirements concerning geological work projects, including work which requires concessions, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 288, item 1696,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 16 December 2011 qualifications in geology, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 275, item 1629. Journal of Laws 2011 No. 175, item 1629,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2011 regarding agricultural land registration, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 286, item 1685,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2011 regarding information forms concerning fees for extracted minerals templates, underground no-tank mineral storage and underground waste storage, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 282, item 1658,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2011 regarding gathering and sharing geological information, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 282, item 1657,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2011 regarding detailed information concerning other geological documents, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 282, item 1656,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2011 regarding record statement and information on resource change of mineral deposit templates, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 262, item 1568,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Economy of 28 June 2011 regarding occupational safety and health, organizing traffic and specialized safety fire protection in mining establishments extracting minerals using bore holes, Journal of Laws 2002 No. 109, item 961,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of 29 January 2004 changing the regulation regarding occupational safety and health, organizing traffic and specialized safety fire protection in mining establishments extracting minerals using bore holes, Journal of Laws 2004 No. 24, item 213,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Economy of 24 May 2007 changing the regulation regarding occupational safety and health, organizing traffic and specialized safety fire protection in mining establishments extracting minerals using bore holes, Journal of Laws 2007 No. 106, item 726,

    2.     Act of 27 April 2001. Environment safety law Journal of Laws 2008 No. 25, item 150,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 13 September 2012 concerning evaluation of substances levels in the air, Journal of Laws 2012, item 1032,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 24 August 2012  concerning evaluation of substances levels in the air, Journal of Laws 2012, item 1031,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 2 August 2012 concerning areas which are subject to air evaluation, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 95, item 914, Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 22 April 2011 concerning emission standards from installations, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 95, item 558, Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 2 July 2010 concerning cases in which introducing gases or dusts into the air does not require any permits, Journal of Laws 2010, no. 130, item 881,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 2 July 2010 concerning types of systems, the operation of which requires a notification, Journal of Laws 2010, no. 130, item 880,
    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 26 January 2010 concerning reference values for some substances in the air, Journal of Laws 2010 no. 16, item 87,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 19 November 2008 concerning types of measurement results conducted in connection with the operation of a system or device and other data and deadlines and the method of their presentation, Journal of Laws 2008 no. 215, item 1366,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 4 November 2008 concerning requirements with regard to measuring emission volumes and measuring the quantity of collected water, Journal of Laws 2008 no. 206, item 1291,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 14 June 2007 concerning acceptable noise levels in the environment, Journal of Laws 2007 no. 120, item 826,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 1 November 2012 changing the regulation  concerning acceptable noise levels in the environment, Journal of Laws 2012, item 1109, 

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 9 April 2002 concerning types and amounts of hazardous substances whose presence in the establishment determines its classification as a heightened hazard risk establishment or as a high industrial disaster risk establishment, Journal of Laws 2002 No. 58, item 535,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Economy of 31 January 2006 changing the regulation concerning types and amounts of hazardous substances whose presence in the establishment determines its classification as a heightened hazard risk establishment or as a high industrial disaster risk establishment, Journal of Laws 2006 No. 30, item 208,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 09 September  2002 concerning soil quality standards and quality standards of soil, Journal of Laws 2002 No 165, item 1359,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 9 September 2002 concerning ecophysiography studies, Journal of Laws 2002 No. 155, item 1298,

    3.     Act of 18 July 2001. Water law, Journal of Laws 2012, item 145,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 10 November 2011 regarding the list of priority substances in the field of water policy, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 254, item 1528,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 9 November 2011 regarding ecological state classification, ecological potential and chemical state of the bodies of surface waters, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 258, item 1549,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 9 November 2011 regarding the classification of bodies of surface water and environmental quality standards for priority substances, Journal of Laws 2011, No. 257, item 1545,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 23 July 2008 regarding the criteria and method of evaluating the underground water condition, Journal of Laws 2008 No. 143, item 896,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 24 July 2006 regarding the conditions to be met when discharging sewage to waters or to the soil and on substances of particular adverse impact on the water environment, Journal of Laws 2006 No. 137, item 984,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 28 January 2009 changing the regulation concerning the conditions to be met when discharging sewage to waters or to the soil and on substances of particular adverse impact on the water environment, Journal of Laws 2009 No. 27, item 169,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 10 November 2005 regarding substances of particular adverse impact on the water environment the introduction of which in industrial sewage to sewage devices requires a water-legal permit, Journal of Laws 2005 No. 233, item 1988,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 December 2008 changing the regulation concerning substances of particular adverse impact on the water environment the introduction of which in industrial sewage to sewage devices requires a water-legal permit, Journal of Laws 2008 No. 229, item 1538,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 27 July 2004 regarding acceptable masses of substances which may be discharged in industrial sewage, Journal of Laws 2004 No. 180, item 1867,

    4.     Act of 7 June 2001 on the Collective Water Supply and Collective Wastewater Disposal, Journal of Laws 2006 No. 123, item 858,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Construction of 14 July 2006 regarding the manner of performing the obligation of industrial sewage supplier and on conditions of discharging sewage to sewerage systems, Journal of Laws No. 136, item 964,

    5.     Act of 27 April 2001 on waste, Journal of Laws 2010 No. 185, item 1243,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 13 May 2004 regarding conditions in which it is assumed that waste is not hazardous, Journal of Laws 2004 No. 128, item 1347,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 19 December 2002 regarding the extent and method of using regulations with regard to transporting hazardous goods by road to transporting hazardous waste Journal of Laws 2002 No 236, item 1986,

    6.     Act of 10 July 2008 on mining waste, Journal of Laws 2008 No. 138, item 865,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 15 July 2011 regarding the criteria of classifying mining waste as neutral waste, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 175, item 1048,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 18 April 2011 regarding monitoring of the extraction waste disposal establishment, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 92, item 535,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 5 April 2011 regarding detailed classification of facilities neutralizing production waste, Journal of Laws 2011 No. 86, item 477,

    7.     Act of 3 October 2008 on the provision of information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and environmental impact assessments, Journal of Laws of 2008 No. 199, item 1227,

    Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of 09 November 2010 on investment projects which may significantly affect the environment Journal of Laws 2010 No. 213, item 1397,

    8.     Act of 13 April 2007 on prevention of damages to the environment and their repair, Journal of Laws 2007 No. 75, item 493,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 4 June 2008 regarding types of corrective actions and conditions and the method of conducting them, Journal of Laws 2008 No. 103, item 664,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 30 April 2008 regarding criteria for evaluation of the occurrence of damage in the environment, Journal of Laws 2008 No. 82, item 501,

    9.     Act of 16 April 2004 on environment safety Journal of Laws 2009 No. 151, item 1220,

    10.   Act of 3 February 1995 on agricultural and forest lands Journal of Laws 2004 No. 121, item 1266,

    11.   Act of 20 July 1991 on the Inspectorate of Environmental Protection Journal of Laws 2007 No. 44, item 287 ,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 30 December 2002 regarding serious accidents and the obligation of reporting them to the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, Journal of Laws 2003 No. 5, item 58,

    12.   Act of 25 February 2011 on chemical substances and their mixtures Journal of Laws 2011 No. 63, item 322,

    13.   Act of 7 July 1994. Construction law. Journal of Laws 2010 No. 243, item 1623,

    14.   Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development, Journal of Laws 2012, item 647,

    Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of 26 August 2003 regarding  the way in which requirements applicable to new buildings and land development are established in the event of lack of a local zoning plan, Journal of Laws 2003 No. 164, item 1588,

    15.   Act of 2 July 2004 on freedom of economic activity , Journal of Laws 2010 No. 220, item 1447, 

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